Deirdre’s House, formerly known as the Deirdre O’Brien Child Advocacy Center, is the Child Advocacy Center for Morris County’s child victims of abuse and/or neglect and children who have witnessed violence. Child Advocacy Centers (CAC’s) are child focused programs that coordinate the multi-disciplinary investigation, prosecution and treatment of child abuse cases. Deirdre’s House is the only site in Morris County where a child victim can be interviewed and digitally recorded by law enforcement, medically examined and treated by pediatric child abuse specialist, prepared for trial, and provided with counseling services, all under one roof. All services are provided in English and Spanish and are free of charge.
Deirdre’s House provides a secure, nurturing, home-like environment that lessens the trauma and provides a source of healing, hope, and justice for children who have suffered abuse and/or neglect. Since opening our doors in 1996, Deirdre’s House has provided services to child victims from each town in Morris County.