When there is a report of abuse …..
When a child is abused or neglected……
Isolation is often experienced…….
We as a community are the first line….
Children who have been exposed to abuse ……..
It can be difficult for non-offending ……
The Multi-Disciplinary Team brings…….
There is a critical need for safe……
Medical examinations of child victims are essential…..
Forensic Interviewing & Trial Preparation
When there is a report of abuse or neglect a child victim is interviewed by law enforcement. A recorded forensic interview at Deirdre’s House allows a child to tell their story only a single time in a child-friendly, age-appropriate, culturally sensitive manner. This is critical to allowing the child to tell their story and immediately begin to heal because the child is not forced to relive the trauma by having to tell their story over and over again.
In Morris County, any child under the age of 12 must be interviewed at Deirdre’s House by specially trained detectives from the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office. These interviews are digitally recorded. Children over the age of 12, at the discretion of local law enforcement, may also be interviewed at Deirdre’s House. The non-threatening atmosphere of Deirdre’s House greatly contributes to the ability of the child victim to relax and more freely disclose the details of the abuse, which are oftentimes embarrassing and deeply personal. Deirdre’s House is available to law enforcement and child protective services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Deirdre’s House is also a safe and comfortable meeting place for prosecutors, detectives, victims, and witnesses to prepare for court appearances and trials.